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Scholarships are based on financial need and available for burn survivors, family members or caregivers who live in California, and are active members of the Alisa Ann Ruch Burn Foundation Community.

Bridge to Life
Aiming Higher
World Burn Congress

Woody & Louise Reed “Bridge to Life” Scholarship

Focus: Financial aid for Community College, University, or Trade School
For: Burn survivors, family members or care givers
Restrictions: Must reside in California
Selection Criteria: Need based;
Active members of Alisa Ann Ruch Burn Foundation Community

The Woody & Louise Reed “Bridge to Life” Scholarship provides financial assistance for burn survivors to pursue an education beyond high school- including professional certification, associate, or bachelors degree.

The purpose of this scholarship program is to “bridge” the gap between the existing programs AARBF provides for survivors and higher education. Applications are open from January to June. Recipients are chosen for their demonstration of financial need.


  • Burn survivor, family member or caregiver
  • Must reside in CA
  • Minimum GPA 2.50
  • High school senior, undergraduate
  • Has participated in community service at a Alisa Ann Ruch Burn Foundation event or in a leadership role
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The Woody and Louise Reed “Bridge to Life” Scholarship really helped me make my dreams come true.. The scholarship really helped accomplish all my goals beside graduating and gotten accepted in the teacher credential programs this fall as well too.”

Lawrence Reese

BS Kinesiology San Francisco State University

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I am a single mother, and I have worked incredibly hard to not only survive, but to heal from the trauma that we have endured. I have learned a lot about myself to be able to give my daughters the privilege of knowledge, wisdom, and guidance; and the Woody and Louise Reed Bridge to Life Scholarship has played a big role in helping me and my daughters continue to succeed.

Raquel Serrano

Graduate, Women’s Studies CSU Dominguez Hills


Aiming Higher Scholarship program

Focus: Financial aid for Masters or PhD education
For: Burn survivors
Restrictions: Must reside in California
Selection Criteria: Need based;
Active members of Alisa Ann Ruch Burn Foundation Community

The Aiming Higher Scholarship program, funded by Care Plans for Life, LLC, provides financial assistance to burn survivors to pursue higher education goals including a Masters level or PhD education.

Previous Bridge to Life Scholarship recipients are eligible and encouraged to apply.


  • Burn survivor
  • Must reside in CA
  • Holds undergraduate degree, minimum GPA 3.0
  • In pursuit of a Masters degree or Higher
  •  Preference is given to degrees focusing on Burn Survivor Care: i.e. Nursing, Physicians, Mental Health Professions, and/or Trauma Counseling
  • Deeply involved in community service at the Alisa Ann Ruch Burn Foundation
  • Applications are open from January to May
  • Recipients are chosen for their demonstration of financial need
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I will attend Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai in New York. I would not have been able to reach this point without the generous support and mentorship of the burn foundation, which has been in my life since I went to Champ Camp at age 7. I will keep this foundation in my heart throughout the rest of my life and I would strongly encourage anyone to apply to this scholarship!”

Christine Lopez

B.A. Public Health Studies, now in medical school

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I’m so grateful for the Aiming Higher Scholarship as it helped me pay tuition and the costs of books so that I can focus on school during the semester!

Chris Tingley

Columbia University, Masters of Public Administration


World Burn Congress Scholarship

Focus: Financial aid for registration fees
For: Burn survivors, family members or care givers
Restrictions: Must reside in California
Selection Criteria: Need based;
Active members of Alisa Ann Ruch Burn Foundation Community

The scholarship provides financial assistance to cover the cost of registration for burn survivors, family members or caregivers to attend the Phoenix Society’s World Burn Congress.

The Phoenix Society’s World Burn Congress offers a unique atmosphere of burn survivors, families, healthcare providers, burn professionals, and firefighters who come together as one caring community of support. It is a forum for encouraging and facilitating the sharing of stories, providing support and increasing knowledge of burn recovery. Whether you are a survivor, parent of a survivor, or a family member/caregiver you will find that World Burn Congress offers a healing environment for all. To learn more about the Phoenix Society and the World Burn Congress, visit www.phoenix-society.org.


  • Burn survivor, family member or caregiver
  • Must reside in CA
  • Participated and volunteered in the Alisa Ann Ruch Burn Foundation community events or
  • Recommended to attend the event by an affiliated burn center
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Attending the World Burn Congress let us come together as a family and support our family loved one, now 22, burn survivor since the age of 3. The Congress helped us to understand behaviors, emotions, feelings and wishes bringing us closer together.”

Margaret Herrera

Burn Survivor Family Member

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The weekend was a useful set of groups and the esoteric topics tailored to individual needs or interest. I highly recommend Survivors and care givers to take the chance if it happens to line up with the timing of your individual journey to recovery. It is truly a benchmark of before and after for a lot of people’s recovery. Mine included.”

Robert Strawder

Burn Survivor