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Prevention Education

Education courses, train the trainer, tools and materials to support burn prevention and fire safety for children and young adults.

Our comprehensive educational materials are tailored to support burn survivors, their families, and educators, fostering an environment of understanding, resilience, and growth. Through interactive lessons, engaging activities, and practical resources, we aim to equip young burn survivors with the skills and confidence to navigate their unique challenges and embrace their futures with hope and strength.

Educator Tools
Tools for Children
Special Needs Safety

FISE is targeted to elementary-aged school children and includes curriculum, materials, and pre- and post-testing that can be used by firefighters or community leaders.


Be Safe Tool is targeted to elementary aged children and helps children avoid an emergency and, if one does happen, know the correct action to take. The tool can also be used to evaluate effectiveness of a program to inspire behavioral change.


The IMPAC-Tool is a free online resource, developed by experts to help you make your fire and burn safety messages more effective. Based on research on effective communications and what factors encourage behavior change, the tool helps you to evaluate messages and recommends changes to make messages more effective. This is a simple way to help ensure you’re getting the most out of your fire and burn safety messaging.

Lucky the Fire Burping Dragon is a puppet show script that features Lucky and his friend Firefighter Dave, developed to help children under the age of 5 learn about fire and burn prevention and how to be in action in case of emergency.


Meet the Johnsons is a series of books, audio books, and coloring books that teach children about fire and burn safety through the joy of reading. Written by Jennifer Radics-Johnson, and illustrated by Alexandra Hall-Pinner.

Downloadable Resources

AARBF provides a burn prevention tip sheet and coloring page for young children downloadable for free. Available in both Spanish and English.


N.I.C.K. (Neurotypical Independent Communication Kit) for Fire and Burn Safety is program designed is to provide life-saving lessons and burn prevention education to learners with special needs, who are more vulnerable to preventable exposure to danger and are at higher risk for burn injuries.

Contact us for more information about NICK fire and burn safety for your community.

See our tools below for neurotypical children.


Neurotypical Independent Communication Kit (N.I.C.K.) for Fire and Burn Safety


Cooking Safety Tips