Northern California Ski Trip

Home » Project » Northern California Ski Trip

The AARBF Northern California office hosts an annual ski trip weekend with generous support from Bear Valley Resort, and the Ebbetts Pass Fire District. This event is held during the month of March and is open to 25 burn survivors ages 7-17 years old. The ski trips are an opportunity to learn a new skill, feel a sense of accomplishment and enjoy the beauty of the outdoors.  Our goal is for each participant to experience a traditional fun-filled weekend of laughter, games and s’mores with their friends.

This trip begins Friday and ends Sunday afternoon. Space is limited, with skiing/snowboarding as the main activity. Attendees will be asked to try one or the other to participate and lessons are provided by trained professionals from the resort staff.  The AARBF volunteers assisting on this activity are also experienced skiers to help with those new to the activity. A small fee, typically $5, may be required. This event is staffed by AARBF personnel and fully-screened volunteers.

Packing List:

  • Waterproof Pants
  • Jacket
  • Snow Boots
  • Hat and Gloves
  • Two sets of warm clothes
  • Pajamas
  • Sleeping bag and Pillow
  • Towel and Toiletries

(AARBF will help provide warm-weather clothing when necessary.)


Pick-up locations from the Bay Area and Central Valley will be determined based on attendees’ locations.

Watch for this weekend trip to return in March 2023.

*Unfortunately, due to Covid-19, the Alisa Ann Ruch Burn Foundation has decided to convert our 2021 NoCal Ski Trip into a virtual program this year. However, as we gear up for this event, we hope you enjoy this awesome video on how to make homemade skis at home.

*For more information on attending the Virtual Statewide Ski Trip, contact Scott “Scooter” Wertz at (415) 495-7223 or or 415-495-0223×19

For more information, please contact Erika “Kika” Mendoza at or 559-286-0710 Ext. 150.